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  • 8 SESSIONS (Total 24 hours) 4 x evening and 4 x weekend sessions

  • INTENSIVE, FOCUSED, TARGETED session with an opportunity to practice Communication scenarios (and the history component of Station 2 and 5)

  • Mock Exam, marked on mark sheets used in REAL PACES Exam with structured, constructive Feedback

  • SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to cater the needs of candidates requiring STRUCTURED practice in talking stations - if you have failed the exam before, we will review your exam mark sheets and provide you with specific guidance on how to rectify your mistakes and improve your performance at future attempt

  • SAME time allocated to practice each scenario as in the Real Exam -  including time for questions, feedback and reflection

  • Scenarios covered are COMMON PROTOTYPE encountered in real exam, carefully written by senior PACES Tutors following the format used in MRCP PACES exam

  • STRUCTURED ADVICE on time management and on how to devise a sound STRATEGY to negotiate tough surrogates and difficult examiner questions

  • Senior Tutors acting as patients/surrogate with REAL-TIME FEEDBACK on how to MASSIVELY improve your performance on exam day

  • COMPREHENSIVE preparation for Communication skills to accommodate individual needs

  • CULTURALLY SENSITIVE tuition on how to effectively improve PACES specific communication skills - Comm skills can be particularly challenging for doctors working outside the UK - this course has been carefully designed to address those needs of doctors from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds

  • Tips and strategies on how to MASTER the 'SOFT SKILLS' and become COMPETENT and CONFIDENT in handling ANY Communication and History Station scenario

  • WRITTEN NOTEBOOK will be provided including tips and guidance on KEY WORDS and PHRASES to be used in the exam that will HUGELY improve your chances of success in MRCP talking stations

Session Format : 1 X 10 min breaks halfway

* Please note that we will only take 5 bookings a month. Our course is very popular among PACES doctors from all around the world and Dr Naqvi is only available for a maximum of 5 days in any calendar month. We are committed to help you pass PACES in first attempt and believe each candidate has unique strengths and weaknesses so one size does not fit all. We have put in a lot of time and effort to design this course keeping in mind the challenges encountered by doctors in talking stations. We strongly recommend you book this course well in advance as we will NOT take more than 5 bookings a month. As soon as we have received 5 bookings, we will put on the waiting list for the following month. Thank you.

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